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We have provided two versions of this unit:

1. Stop motion animation

2. Animation using software

The units differ from lesson 5 onward. Review and select the most appropriate for your pupils

Lesson 1: iFlip

To understand what an animation is

Lesson 2: iDesign

To understand that an animation consists of characters, a stage, props, sound, text and a story

Lesson 3: iStoryboard

To understand the importance of a storyboard in the story planning process

Lesson 4: iScript

To understand that animations need to be scripted

Lesson 5: iCreate

To understand that stop-frame animations involve physical characters, settings and props

Lesson 6: iFilm

To create a stop-motion animation

Lesson 5: iCreate

To create a simple animation using software

Lesson 6: iBackdrop

To animate a background

Pupil progress can be assessed using knowledge organisers and end-of-unit guidance; which can be fed in to pupil progress trackers.